Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Raven From The Lonely Mountain

Dearest Braegin,

I write you with great news from the mountain. I could not wait for your return with the snows of winter. Word is spreading of your work and we have new friends seemingly emerging from the stone. The news I send was not a secret for long.

King Dain received the visit of a merchant from Esgaroth. He bore letters of introduction from the Master of Esgaroth, and presented himself by the name of Lockmand.

He had a treasure to trade with us, a shield that once belonged to Thrór, the grandfather of Thorin Oakenshield. The shield had passed from Thrór to his son Thráin, and it was believed lost since when Thráin disappeared in Mirkwood one hundred years ago. Lockmand claimed to have bought the shield in a market in the far south.

In exchange for the shield, Lockmand wanted payment in gold, and a fair price was arranged. He also asked, as a favour, for a look in our records. He claimed to be a buyer and seller of treasures and relics, and he hoped that the old books might contain information useful to him. But we do not let foreigners easily in our Chamber of Records, and King Dain and his advisers deliberated for some time before finally refusing his request.

Fortune smiles on us for having this treasure returned to us. You will see it hanging in the great entry hall upon your return as we embrace.

Take heart! Father constantly speaks ill of you. No other suitor of mine occupies his mind as much. Erebor is full of richer dwarves with longer beards he says. Win your fortune and bring it home so that we might be joined in union before the stone eyes of Thorin.

Your sparkling gem,
Mar daughter of Munin

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