Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A New Season

Summer was coming.  The wet rains of spring were slowly giving way to warm winds coming from the west.  The water in the rivers and streams was running warmer.  Artem could see the vibrant flora and fauna of this part of the Wilderlands changing before his eyes.  Season change was important to the elvish people.  Their immortality led to an affinity for experiencing external change.  The elves had a saying that translated roughly to the common tongue of man:

"If one is patient, the world will change for you"

Artem always disliked that expression, he felt as if it was symbolic of the apathy and isolationism of the elvish people.  In his travels he had begun to appreciate it's deeper meaning.  He began to experience the change that is so hard to see in the elvish realm.  He could see his companions age before his eyes.  He could see the children of the Woodsmen taking their first steps.  He could see the change brought to these lands by Beorn and the tiny Easterly Inn.

He could also see the growing shadow.

If he was patient enough, would the world turn to light or to shadow?

He slowed his pace a bit so the hobbit and dwarf would not grow weary.  The Beorning, Beran always kept a steady pace without complaint.  Artem had grown fascinated with the Thane.  He had never had a human friend before.  He was solemn and honorable, but had a zeal for life reminiscent of the hobbit.  Meeting such individuals of the child races almost made his own race seem even more cold and distant.....if nor for Irime.

They had just set out on their journey to accompany her to the west.  She smiled and spoke softly.  She was warm and smelled of lilacs.  Artem was enamored with her.  He tried to avoid staring at her, but found that a hopeless venture.

Why had she selected them to accompany her west?  Surely Legolas and the elvish warriors would have been a more capable force to protect her?  Where was she going?  Artem knew that she was far too elusive to find out her destination and motives with direct questions.  He could only hope that she would reveal more as they walked this road together.  Until then, he was content to enjoy the view.

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