Thursday, February 21, 2013

What Once Was Great . . .

What Once Was Great

Day 7 - 
Finding and gathering the escaped slaves took much more time than I thought.  Many ran from us as well as their captors.  I wish them luck in their travels.  28 former slaves are now under our protection.  I find Artem and Podo discussing a thing they found in Valtar's tent.  It seems he had a head in a chest.  But not a war trophy.  No it is a tool of the Shadow.  It is used to communicate with others.  So it comes to show that once again Valtor deserved destruction.  And that the Shadow's corruption is spread further than thought.  
It also shows that Men are easily corrupted.  Men are weak.

We begin our march North - home.

Day 8 -
Artem has hunted early and brought down two elk.  More than enough to feed all of us for the return trip.  He has also discovered a shorter route to return us to Beorn's Hall.  I have not traveled these paths long but again Artem shows the difference between us.  Men are weak.  

As we explore the South and journey North I wonder how my companions are handling the company of the young race.  Also I begin to think of the weakness of Men and find myself wondering if I am making excuses for my own short comings.  Isn't it easier to blame my race than myself?  It is a thought that leaves me cold and unsure as we travel on. 

Day 9 -
Artem and Podo hear of a fight in the distance and use their stealth to investigate.  Braegin follows behind while I find a suitable place to watch over both my companions and our charges - the now freed slaves.
A dirty man stands before 4 of the bandits we recently made leaderless.  I can not hear them but Artem and Podo tell me he was repaying a debt he owed them and was keeping the bandits from us.  Artem and Podo listen for a short while before Artem unleashes a deadly volley.  Braegin charges into the fray and the dirty man also joins the fight.  The bandits fall before I can even make my way closer.  I am weak.  The companions collect some weapons before returning to the group.

The dirty man is called Shanker.  He talks a little with Podo and then leaves.  I am not sorry to see him go.  He disturbs me for an unknown reason.  He is known as a troublemaker in Beorn's Hall.  Again I am not sorry to see him go.  I am weak.

Selva a slave Podo rescued splits off from us here.  She will make for the Mountain Hall.  It seems she is a woodsman after all.  The way she holds herself speaks of a martial upbringing.  I am not worried for her safety.  We send her with a few weapons and more than enough elk to make the short journey.

Day 10 -
We arrive at Beorn's Hall a full day earlier due to Artem's woodland skill.  I am weak.  Beorn invites us in and listens to our story.  Podo sings a beautiful song of our deeds while Artem plays a melody to compliment Podo's voice.  It has inspired me to try and sing in the future.  Beorn wise and good allows the escaped slaves to stay at his Hall.  He will find places for them if they wish to stay.  

Artem explains in more detail about the head we found at Valtor's camp.  It seems an agent of the Shadow lies somewhere to the South.  Beorn listens to the plea for help but decides he is unable to help without a foe to see.  With no target to vent his rage upon he will not act.  For the first time I disagree with my chief and offer my services to Artem as well as Beorn.  I will become Beorn's hound and find this foe for him hiding in the South.  Beorn disagrees with me in return but allows me to go all the same.  Does Beorn also think I am weak?  Too weak to even be a faithful hunting dog?  

We feast for the night.  I make sure to return Odo's sword to his shield maiden.  Her tears bring anger to my heart and I am glad again for the death of Odrik.  I am weak.

Day 11 -
I stop and visit my father and explain my reasons for leaving him for an extended time.  I have made preparations for Brunor to check on him from time to time and see he is kept stocked.  We argue at first but finally gives up.  Instead he gives me Giantbane.  A great spear passed down from father to son for many generations.  I accept the gift with reluctance and promise to return it.  

Artem, Podo, and Braegin believe the agent of Shadow dwells in the heart of the Old Forest Road.  We will go to Dell and Rivendell to ask aid for keeping several small outposts safe upon the Old Forest Road so that we may have both aid and safety if we need it.

Day 12 - 
Artem once again impresses me with his archery and his hunting.  Podo's breakfast is once again delicious and seems to wash away the weariness of the road.  Braegin speaks with a raven and learns news of his homeland.  Before we are set to investigate the Old Forest Road we will prepare ourselves.  Promising to meet at an Inn to the North in a month's time we go our own ways.

I will go South to better my skills and make myself familiar with the creatures, woods, and dangers we will be facing in the future.

Day 33 - 
I begin my return trip today.  I make way for the Inn and my companions.  I find myself missing them far more than I had thought possible.  We have known each other such a short time but it seems to have impacted me greatly.

Day 43 -
It is the day of our promised reunion.  Podo and I await Artem and Braegin eagerly.  Podo was the first be here and sits comfortably near the fireplace.  

Soon the four of us are reunited and set pace for the Dale the first of our stops.  Telling tales of our journey I feel lighter than I have since Beorn's Hall.

Orcs.  Artem hears the sounds of many feet.  Braegin smells their foul odor and announces they are orcs.  Braegin and I position ourselves in the middle of the road and await their arrival while Artem and Podo wait for an ambush.  

The orcs are many in number and at first seem to be taken back by the sight of us blocking the road but soon begin fleeing deeper into the forest or up the road.  Some attack us upon the road but Braegin and I make short work of those that tally to long within the reach of our weapons.  Artem and Podo devastate those that flee and I am gladdened to see the ground littered with orc corpses.  Soon a party of elves appear.  They were the cause of the orcs fear and rightfully so.  These elves differ from Artem who seems to be a natural extension of the forest.  These are like the stars.  So bright and pure they make me feel small and dirty and unworthy to be in their presence.  Artem exchanges many words with the hunting party in a language I do not understand.  The mere sound of it is like beautiful music.  Again I am reminded that Men are weak.  

Artem introduces us to the elven party.  Legolas and Lady Irime shine even more brightly than the rest of the elven party.  Lady Irime invites us to dinner and it is clear from Artem that this indeed a great honor and something we can not refuse.  

Oh but I wish too!  

The Lady smells of lilacs and all that is good on a warm spring breeze.  I am unkempt and covered in orc blood.  I have not bathed in this week yet and even if I had do not feel it would have been enough to attend a table with her.

Smiling and nodding I lock these emotions deep within my heart and follow Artem deeper into the forest.  Artem and the Lady share some small words that I can not hear.  Before long we are brought to a clearing that has a feast laid out fit enough for a kingdom.  A large silver wash basin is noticeable and I take great care to clean myself as best I can.  For the first time I am able to see that I am not the only one affected so.  Braegin seems to have been struck mute with the Lady's beauty and Podo also seems beside himself for the first time.  

Dinner passes by very quickly and honestly I remember very little other than ashamedly sneaking glances at the Lady Irime.  Suddenly I find myself addressed by the Lady.  In a panic I ask her to please tell a tale of Men.  She does me a great kindness and tells a tale of Men who dwelt to the North that I may be descended from who had a once great kingdom.  Sadly it was swallowed by the ocean and the Men fell into barbarianism.  Men are weak?  But were not always so?  I am a decedent of decent and honorable Men.  A Man of Twilight.  I feel my heart quicken and surge with hope, regret, and embarrassment.

The rest of the night flashes in a blur.  Artem and Podo sing a song and please the Lady.  Braegin exchanges wits with the Lady and seems to both challenge and please her.  I can only sit at the table and keep the emotions in my heart from showing on my face.  

Only now in privacy can I write my feelings to paper and banish them from my heart.

Men are weak.   What once was great.  
Men were once strong but now have fallen.
Men were honorable but have been corrupted.
Men had a kingdom even the elder races acknowledge but time has claimed it.
Men were once great but now are weak.

But once was great can be reclaimed.  What once was great can be remade.
Men are weak but a person, a Man, could be a guiding example.
Exploring the past.  Accepting the failings of Men and pushing forward.  
Men could reclaim their greatness if we had a leader.  
I am not that Man but perhaps I can find him.

Men are not weak I am.
But I now know this and will seek to correct it.

It is only later - now - that I am reminded that we will be escorting the Lady Irime West.
I only pray that I do not embarrass my companions on our journey.

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