Saturday, March 23, 2013

Radagast the Brown

Radagast the Brown is a wizard. He abides in a small wood of ancient oaks in Rhosgobel, close to the southwestern eaves of Mirkwood, where many Woodmen have come to stay near him. Once content to spend his time in quiet conversation with birds and animals (whose diverse languages he seems to be able to speak fluently) Radagast had an active part in the White Council’s preparations to attack Dol Guldur, and since that time he has shown an increased interest in the matters of the people living in the area. The wizardry of Radagast seems to be connected to the animal and plant life populating Middle-earth. He is learned in the lore of herbs and beasts, and seems to have a special friendship with birds.

Like his peers Saruman the White and Gandalf the Grey, Radagast has always appeared to the eyes of mortals like a vigorous old man who doesn’t seem to wither and grow weaker with the passing of the years. He wears a tall, wide-brimmed hat and brown cloak over clothes of earthen colours, and sports a long, wild-looking reddish beard slowly turning grey, and long, unkempt hair of the same hue. He usually paces his stride with his long Oaken staff. He seems to rarely leave his small cottage, apart from short walks into the forest to the east. Despite his solitary life, Radagast seems to be well informed about events happening in the land of the Woodmen at any time, sometimes betraying knowledge of things befalling in more distant places in Wilderland. While never really rude, his years of isolation (or his friendship with Beorn...) seem to have made his conversation come across as brusque or abrupt, as if he was unused to the common laws of courtesy recognised by Men, Dwarves and Elves.

Strangers wanting to meet Radagast and asking the local Woodmen for directions are led all the way to his house, reached by a pathway of white stones starting close to the Great Hall of Rhosgobel. Visitors trying to reach the house of the wizard alone seem to lose their way easily and find themselves back in front of the Great Hall after walking aimlessly for some time. During the warm months of the year, any visitor might be forced to wait for a while, together with the many Woodmen coming to see the wizard and seek his help.

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