Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Gift...

The cool morning dew sparkled like gem stones strewn across the open glade.  The young elf had left the comforts of the Easterly Inn early this morning to find a spot in the woods to meditate.  He enjoyed the company of the dwarf, humans and hobbits, but felt a comforting solace in the wild that helped to settle his mind.

He found a open spot of grass under a large and ancient oak tree and sat down.  Elladan closed his eyes and cleared his mind.  He traced his steps backwards in time through his memories, taking time to reflect upon each thought and experience since his last meditation.  His mind was not so easily put at rest of late.  The words of Irime haunted him.  He felt the growing darkness looming over his small party.  He had no doubt that the seemingly magical serendipity that destiny afforded the hobbit would see him through this journey, but the future of the elderly human and his young son troubled the elf.  They had slowed them down.  Elladan knew the humans could not make the return trip to Esgaroth alone and their paths would soon split off from his own.

He slightly shook his head to settle his thoughts again.

Suddenly he felt a soothing brush against his ear and Irime's soft words spoke to him in his trance.

"Do not be afraid Elladan.  Though the darkness is strong, there is more to your story than you know."

He could almost feel the soft dark curls of her hair against his skin.

"When you awake look to your pack.  A gift from Lord Thranduil.  May it protect the light within you."

Suddenly his eyes opened and the soft morning light of the green glade filled his view once again.

He reached down into his pack and spied a package wrapped in soft elven fabric.  He slowly opened the wrapping and the glint of metal shone in the light coming through the branches and leaves of the oak tree.

He held aloft a mail shirt of pure mithril silver.  It was as light as silk and stronger than the sturdiest human steel.  The shirt was embellished with tiny oak leaf shaped mithril scales and ancient elvish runes.  This was a precious gift.

As Elladan removed his worn leather corslet and donned the shirt he felt both protected and at the same time apprehensive of what may lay ahead that Lord Thranduil would bestow such a gift upon him.

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