Monday, December 17, 2012

A bit of peace of mind

"Hobbit leaf is a curious thing..." thought Elladan, as he sat at the perimeter of camp, staring off into the black forest surrounding them.

" affords a bit of peace of mind even in the darkest surroundings."

The idea of smoking on watch would be unthinkable amongst his fellow elves.  The light from the pipe eroded his ability to see into the darkness, but was meaningless in comparison to the roaring camp fire warming the sleeping hobbit and dwarves.  The smell of the pipe weed might give away his location, if not for the loud snoring of the the dwarves.

Who would have imagined an orphaned elf camping with three dwarves and a hobbit?  Surrounded by vines determined to snuff the breath out of you, stalked by black crows with piercing eyes and besieged by the foul Mewlips, Elladan felt better than he had in a decade or more.  His brethren in Thranduil's court would look upon his companions with disgust.  They wouldn't see the fierce determination and battle prowess of the younger dwarf.  They would look past the charisma and vibrant life in the hobbit.  The elves were wrong.  There was life and adventure outside of the Mirkwood realm.  The elves had become haughty and complacent in their halls.  To them it was enough to keep the Shadow at bay in a never ending battle of attrition.  They had lost their connection to this world in their isolation.

"I will travel these lands as Artem, smoking its leaf, drinking it's wine and slaying the servants of the Shadow where ever I may find them."

Artem smiled and took another long draw of the Longbottom leaf from his pipe.  He exhaled rings of smoke, which floated up into the dark trees and caused the malevolent crows to chatter above him.

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